
Literaturbrücke Berlin e. V.
Sponsoring organization of the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin 

Knaackstr. 97
D-10435 Berlin

Tel: +49 -(0) 30 48 52 45 -0
Fax +49 -(0) 30 48 52 45 -30

Executive committee authorized to represent:
Dr. Thomas Sparr (chairman)

Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV:
Dr. Thomas Wohlfahrt, director of the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin

Register court: Amtsgericht Berlin-Charlottenburg
Register number: VR 12143N2
VAT identification: 27 647 55063

Disclaimer: This web site contains links to external web sites that are not under our control. The provision of these links does not represent our approval or endorsement of the content on the external sites. The responsibility for the content on these external sites is borne exclusively by the respective initiators and providers.

A project of the Literaturwerkstatt Berlin
General director: Dr. Thomas Wohlfahrt
General coordinator: Dr. Christiane Lange
Assistant: Cecilia Ritter

Director of administration: Jens Korthals
Bookkeeping: Gitta Birkholz
Project directors: Sven Sören Beyer, Andreas Conrad (coordination), Noren Fritsch, Michael Gaeb, Aurélie Maurin, Franziska Seeberg, Matthias Weichelt
Assistants: Ulrich Breuer, Isabel Aguirre Siemer, Carolina de León Schillgalies
Website: Boris Nitzsche, Felicitas von Mallinckrodt
Press contact and public relations: Boris Nitzsche, Jutta Büchter
Assistant: Felicitas von Mallinckrodt
Technical directors: Michael Mechner, Jan Grambow
Organization: Sebastian Brose, Alexander Gumz, Oliver König, Heidi Samland, Raik Stolzenberg, Michael Waegner, Carina Werner

Consulting, concept, production of CI/CD and Internet:
Design/Artdirector: allstars design, Berlin /Holger Stüting
Programming, CMS: klug newmedia

Our special gratitude goes to José Ignacio Olmos, Gonzalo del Puerto y Gil, and Katrin Büscher at the Instituto Cervantes.

We especially thank Julia Ritter and Nicholas Woods for the translations and Echoo Konferenzdolmetschen for interpreter services.
Special thanks also to the organisers, the drivers and all other helpers. (10057 Byte )


Literaturwerkstatt Berlin © / Hebbel am Ufer ©Hebbel am Ufer / Insituto Cervantes ©Patricia Sevilla Ciordia / Potsdamer Platz ©Vincent Mosh / Konzerthaus Berlin ©Udo Lauer / Commerzbank ©promo

Thomas Wohlfahrt ©Kraehahn

Laurie Anderson ©Kevin Kennefick ©Maggie Soladay

Weltklang ©Vincent Mosh, Anderson © Maggie Soladay, Ko Un ©privat, Deguy ©privat, Janés, Seiler, Uetz ©, Morábito ©Jerry Bauer, Pavlovic ©Suhrkamp Verlag, Baderoon ©privat, Chirikuré ©privat

Dobry ©Anna Oswaldo Cruz Lehner, Castro ©Senén Bernandez, Ferrando ©privat
Millán ©Erika Arias, Parcerisas ©Institució per les Lletres Catalanes, Uribe ©privat, Antúnez ©privat

Romero ©privat, Gamoneda ©privat, Bleutge, Draesner, Falkner, Gomringer, Hartung, Jansen, Rinck, Franzetti, ©, Brunner ©Mirella Kuchling, Schablewski ©Peter Palm, Montejo ©Szinetar, Wandeler-Deck ©privat, Zurita ©privat, Milán ©privat, Masoliver ©privat, Mora ©privat, Ollé ©privat, Rodas ©privat

Bauni ©privat, Beyer, Kuhligk, Lentz, Schlotmann, Stolterfoht, Utler, Wolf ©, Hervé ©privat, Hummel ©privat, Manca ©privat, Müller ©Sabine Pritzel, Newski ©privat, Poppe ©privat, Schneider ©privat, Vrunc ©Tihomir Pinter, Evers ©privat, Henschel ©Patricia Wilenski, Kairos Quartett ©Marit Kytöharju, ©Natascha Mundt, Sánchez-Verdú ©privat

Bams ©Jérome Vallée, Nafar ©privat, Zephaniah ©promo

Maillard ©privat, phase7 ©Larmann

Chillida, Paz: Plume bleue ©promo

We have done our best to respect photographic copyrights.